Friday 27 January 2012


I just wonder why people have dreams. Are dreams real or artificial? A question that haunts me the most often. Some times I will dream of me being at an unknown and unrelated place and I usually will see many known people. This combination of unknown & unrelated place and known people in my dream confuses me.

Because of all this confusions I had attended the "Dreamworks" workshop by Stanley Krippner. I got the answer to my queries. According to him dreams are the playground of our unconscious mind. The remote control of our dreams lies with the unconscious mind.
Dreams restore electrical & chemical imbalance between different parts of the brain. Dreams can both real and unreal too but the unreal dreams give a strong message about something to our conscious mind.
Characters, activities, settings, human-made objects, nature, descriptors, sensations and emotions are the eight different elements of any dream.
While we analyze any dreams, we should review the dream, redream & identify the dream element and describe the dream as an abstract statement.

Usually a child will have dreams of ghosts & monsters and and they tend to represent specific people & specific situations. A child dream will have more metaphors. Adult dreams are more logical.

I had asked him a question about the cause of telepathic dreams, he told that he cant find any cause of telepathic dreams but the mention of telepathic dreams can be found in Upanishads.

I usually have a problem that I usually dont get any dreams but yes exceptions are there. As per Prof. Krippner before sleeping make up your mind to have a dream and very soon you will get success.

Last night I had a strange dream. I found myself at an unknown airport with an old friend of mine to go to an undetermined destination but unluckly I was not getting any accommodation in any aeroplane (here I state that all aeroplanes were of very small size and hardly 20 persons can sit inside). I seen myself checking all planes for seat of 2 people but was unable to find. Finally towards the end of the dream I seen that I and my friend was adjusting in an aeroplane.
Points to be noted here, I could recognise my friend, I could recognise the plane (of Bangaladesh registration and finally I came to know that I was in Bangladesh)..........................

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